How to Train Your Rottweiler Puppy with Simple Commands

How to Train Your Rottweiler Puppy with Simple Commands

​Rottweilers are naturally loyal dogs and are intended to please their owners. This loyalty, combined with their intelligence, make them highly trained. [1] A well-trained dog is a happy dog because he knows the place of his human family. Investing a small amount of time each day to train your Rottweiler puppy will help him be well-adjusted to the family, and he will become a great puppy in the years to come.

​Method 1 of 2:
​Understanding how training works

 Rottweiler Puppy

 Rottweiler Puppy

​Start early and small. From seven to eight weeks of age, pupils can be taught simple commands. The key to training is to make each session fun and short. A good ballpark figure is one or two minutes for each month up to 6 months of age. Trying to do more than that will not benefit you or the dog, as catching it can not work. [२]

​Reward your pet. The most positive and effective way to train your Rottweiler Puppy is through rewards-based training. Immediately reinforcement when the pups obey, such as a small piece of tasty treat or a grand eulogy. To reward your little ones with a quick new command or cue for any step of learning, keep a bag with small, tastefully handled bags, small cubes of cheese, or pieces of cooked chicken.
​Once the puppy has obeyed its command, it can be treated slowly and gradually with alternating stages of praise.
​If you do not get the prize right away, the puppy will be confused as to what you expect from him or her. []]

​Learn the right types of commands. The commands used must be one, two, or at least two words long. Keep your voice up Always praise your puppy for any efforts made in the right direction, and never yell or yell at your puppy. Your puppy is listening to you because at this stage he wants to please you, so remind him that he enjoys your obedience.

​Be consistent. Each of these principles can be used for all the commands you use to train. The key to a reward system is to reward quickly, be consistent, and use simple command words. The best time to organize a training session is when the pups are relaxed and alert. Never train when the puppy is asleep, injured, or feeling unwell. You absolutely need to focus your attention on him and his training sessions.

​Train for the right time. When you start training your dog, obey for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. During this time, spread what commands you are teaching. Try five to 15 repetitions of one command, then move to another, and do five to 15 repetitions. Once the time is up, give your pet a reward and praise. You can do this three times a day with different commands.
​You should also start with a short period of time in each command. When you first teach him to sit, for example, try to sit him for three seconds before giving him a reward. As he learns, move the time upwards, increasing it until he can stay for 30 seconds or more. []]

​Method 2 of 2:
​Teaching commands

​Teach 'no bait'. The first training session should be to teach the puppy not to bite. You should always have plenty of toys for your Rottweiler puppy. Puppies go through tooth decay and bite their fingers or hands during game. If he slaps, say, "Don't bite." Instead, the puppy has hurt you. After that, get up. It gives the dog a message that the bite ends the game. Avoid tapping a puppy on the nose as it will stimulate him and make him more likely to bite.

​Say 'no chew'. Sucking is a natural behavior for a puppy, but it can be devastating at home. You want a puppy to work well instead of diversion that you don't want to chew on. For example, if you find your puppy sucking on a book, take it out, put it out of reach, and give them a toy to chew on. When drawing a book, say "don't chew." Your puppy will finally know what to do and what not to chew. []]

​Ask him to 'calm down'. You may want to bark your puppies when visitors or non-guests arrive at your home. However, our puppies should learn the command "calm" for the time when barking is a nuisance. Keep a small puppy bag with you at all times and say "calm" when the puppy starts barking. Reward the puppy with a smile immediately so that he will add the word "calm" to stop barking.
​This may take a while, but eventually he will realize that when you speak calmly, you want to catch him

​Teach 'no' or 'wait'. It is important for your dog to learn the meaning of 'no' or 'stop'. You can use one, but its use must be consistent. The Rottweiler Puppies love playful and word-of-mouth items. If your puppy picks on you or something other than toys or something he shouldn't take, then learning the 'no' is very important for him. Or 'wait'.
​Always be firm and consistent in teaching this to your puppy. Once you hear the noise, immediately remove what your dog has done and say 'stop' once again. Get away from your puppy, but don't take your eye off him. If he goes back, repeat this process. It will be frustrating but you must do it. Otherwise, your puppies may not know what is wrong. []]

​Command 'Sit'. After learning the "no" or "stop" commands, you need to teach your Rottweiler how to install. Beauty makes eating, eating, playing and relaxing much easier. It is also an easy thing to teach. Let your puppies see the treats and treat them by hand. Make your puppy stand in front of you and say 'Sit' firmly. Hold the puppy's nose at the Threat level, then gently pull the Treat back over its head. When he is treating his nose with the help of his nose, his bottom will go to the ground. Immediately say "sit down" and treat him to label the behavior he just learned. It is best to feed your puppy before feeding. It teaches him the 'table' etiquette.
​When he is sitting down, sometimes saying the word 'sit down', praise him like "good puppy" or "smart puppy." Repeat the process and ask him to "sit down" by turning away from your puppy, turning to him, making sure you are taking full care of him. Praise Him as you have done before.
​Work on the seat command for five to seven days, without having to sit down quickly and consistently without the treat prize. []]

​Tell him to 'down'. Once he learns to sit, you can teach him the 'down' command. Keep the puppy in the seat while holding a treat in hand. Make sure you treat your hand and place your hand near its nose. Say 'down' or 'fall asleep' when moving your hand to the floor. The puppy begins to lie down and your hand goes down to the floor. Give it healing as soon as possible, and praise it. He may try a partial first, but he will get it.
​Practice this new command for a week until he fully understands it.
​If your puppy has a jumper, the 'down' command may be helpful. Jumping the puppies can be a problem to get people's attention. If your puppy has a jumper, put a strap on it to be able to correct it with 'down' as soon as it starts to jump. Then tell him to 'sit down'. When he responds quickly with a tasty taste, reward him. He will soon learn that jumping is not an acceptable behavior. []]

​Teach 'Stay'. Rottweilers have always wanted to be in your company. He always wants to be around you, around you or even on you. But eventually he will come to you. Teaching your Rottweiler Puppy to 'stay' does not get you in the way of other people and other dogs. Ask your dog to 'sit down' first, because it is easier to just sit and allow him to 'stay.' Once he is seated, praise him and place your hand in front of his mouth, wide as a stop sign. Say 'Stay' firmly, then slowly back.
​He will most likely run to you, but sit him down again. Then once again put your hand in front of him, say 'stop', while saying 'wait' again. If he runs to you, you have to do it again. Once he is there, don't let him come to you. Instead, approach him, praise him, and give him a treat.
​Repeat this process as you move away from the previous time until these chicks are constantly on their way. [10]

​Tell him 'come'. One of the most important commands to learn is 'come on.' If a puppy with a puppy runs toward you in danger or danger, a puppy with a firm grasp of the 'come' command can quickly come back to you. When your puppy is away from you, step down, slap your thighs and say 'come' in a friendly voice. No doubt your puppy, eager to play with you, will run to you. Reward him with a little treat and a little game.
​Execute this command for several weeks at different times. If your puppy is away from you, slap it on your lap and say 'come on' in a catchy, happy voice. Once he comes to you, praise him and repeat the word 'come' a few times. Then, throw a treat or a toy too far away from you and watch him run behind you. Once he or she is there, tell your dog to 'come back'. He might not do this at first, but you'll have to do it again.
​If necessary, grab a treat or toy that he or she always likes to throw away. Once you look up, call it 'Ova'. Once he arrives, his column
